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First 2024 Ellsworth Truth in Europe

Mar 18, 2024 at 5:29
by Frank Bader

When I was at Ellsworth HQ in California in January, I sent two new frames to Germany. Last week I finally had the chance to travel to Berlin to my buddies workshop to build the first new unicorn Truth for presentation purposes in Europe.

Since I am a dinosaur who owns three Ellsworth bikes I built myself and I do adore my 26", I was surprised how right at home I felt on the 29" Truth.
Built with an ENVE carbon fibre wheelset, this thing moves like a menace, overall weight with the Fox 34 SC (120mm) is around 10.1 kg without pedals.

More updates regarding current Ellsworth Bikes in Europe are to follow.

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Baderfrank avatar

Member since Oct 1, 2019
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