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Passion for mountain biking and innovation became SAGLY - a mobile app for suspension adjustment and bike maintenance

Mar 21, 2024 at 8:06
by Anton Hörl  

MTB settings and maintenance made easy
SAGLY, a complete mobile guide for your mountain bike settings and maintenance.

Anton Hörl and Mario Kemetinger, the two passionate mountain bikers and product developers behind SAGLY, met at a young age while mountain biking. At that time, the sport wasn't that popular and the scene in the region was even smaller. Anton and Mario, both of whom grew up in Leogang, live for the sport of mountain biking. Back then, Anton had never adjusted his mountain bike suspension settings correctly. Mario always helped him with the maintenance and adjustment of the mountain bike.

In addition to mountain biking in the Leogang bike park and in the dirt park they built themselves, which was in a friend's garden, they also founded a "film crew" with two other friends, the "Lahnvalley Crew". With this film crew, they created videos and photos of themselves mountain biking.

Anton and Mario are the two passionate mountain bikers and product developers behind SAGLY

Many videos and photos were produced and successfully distributed on the web. The scene and the sponsors liked the produced videos, with which the Lahnvalley Crew reached a total of over 1 million viewers online. More and more sponsors were added, such as Alpinestars, SCOTT Sports, MAXXIS Tires, and Bikepark Leogang. So they were able to finance their hobby a little out of their own pockets. Anton's settings on the bike also got better and better, thanks to Mario's tips.

Mountain bike trips were also financed in this way, including to the mountain bike mecca of Whistler in British Columbia, Canada. Other successful Lahnvalley Crew videos and photos were also created there.

After a while, working life became more and more important. But mountain biking remained a hobby. Both made their way into the IT industry.

Growing up riding bikes and having a film crew: "Lahnvalleycrew"

This is how the SAGLY project was born: the passion for the sport remained. In his home office, Anton worked on new product ideas with a view of the Leogang bike park. He then sent Mario a message about what he thought of developing an app to find the ideal mountain bike suspension setting. Of course, Mario was enthusiastic about the idea, and the project started.

The two find it very exciting to bring technology and innovation into the sport. Mario, who knows mountain bike suspension settings, and Anton, who has software development skills, complement each other perfectly in the project, and in August 2021 the first SAGLY version will be available in the app stores. Since then, the app has been continuously developed with user feedback.

Why use SAGLY?

Mountain bikes are equipped with suspension elements, some of which are associated with quite complex settings.

Most mountain bikers have often not optimally adjusted the suspension parts and thus have less riding fun and also endanger their safety. The maintenance of the mountain bike is also often neglected and this also results in more costs.

This is exactly why Anton and Mario developed SAGLY. SAGLY helps to finally document, improve, and compare mountain bike settings in one place with other riders. The mobile app SAGLY also helps with mountain bike maintenance.


Beside a clear interface where all of your settings are saved, there is also
an AI algorithm, SAG Guide, and tire air pressure calculator that makes it easy to create a good basic setup. Based on body physique, these guides suggest bike settings. All matching parts that the rider has on the bike can also be created. Finally, there is a balance test, with which the user can determine whether his suspension is balanced between the suspension fork and damper. Thus, the user has a good basic setup, which is half the battle when it comes to the settings on the bike.

From the basic setup, every mountain bike can then improve the setup at will. The WHAT SHOULD I DO, WHEN... guide gives the user assistance to further improve the setup with the help of SAGLY and their assessment. SAGLY should by no means be a tool that strictly tells mountain bikers how to adjust their bike. It should help to get a feeling for the suspension and to find an individual setup based on his assessment. The FEEDBACK LOOP also helps with this. With this feature, you can give SAGLY feedback on how you feel about the suspension after the last changes. Recommendations for further adjustments are then given on request. This feature is perhaps a little reminiscent of the bracketing method. Mountain bike World Cup riders use this method. It guides the rider to a great setting by leading him in a certain direction (i.e. clockwise or counterclockwise) by changing a specific setting on the suspension until a point is found for the respective setting at which the rider feels good about the bike.


Many terms related to mountain bike suspension are explained in a comprehensible way and with the EXPLORE SETUPS function you can also find other riders' bikes and thus get inspiration from other riders' suspension setups and their weight or riding style for a good comparison. The suspension settings of other riders can also be tried out and copied.


In addition, SAGLY is compatible with Strava, so the user can keep an overview of the mileage of the bike and upcoming maintenance. You can easily specify maintenance intervals in the basic setup, which provides the basis for this feature. Through the connection to the Strava account, the mileage or riding hours of the bike are always kept up to date. The progress bars show how long it is until the next maintenance. When maintenance is reached, you will receive a notification from SAGLY so that you do not forget to carry out the maintenance.

The HISTORY completes the feature package. Every change to the setup, every added feedback as well as every maintenance or every Strava ride is saved in the HISTORY. This helps to get an overview of the suspension setting changes or the maintenance that has been carried out or is due.

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With SAGLY, mountain bikers have a tool in their pocket that they can use to get better at mountain biking overall.

You can not only save the suspension settings in SAGLY and compare them with other riders, SAGLY offers much more. A wealth of features paired with an intuitive user interface should help every mountain biker to have more riding fun, more safety, and more performance on the bike. Of course, SAGLY should also motivate every rider to show more love for the bike through maintenance and cleaning, thus saving money and preventing serious repairs and damage.

With these advantages, the founders are convinced that SAGLY should be on every mountain biker's smartphone.

Because not only beginners but also advanced riders get more out of the bike and thus become better mountain bike riders.

Why are the two founders working on SAGLY?

bigquotesFor Anton and Mario, mountain biking is not just a sport, hobby, or lifestyle. We associate mountain biking with much more.

When mountain biking you experience nature, improve your physical and mental health, get to know other people, feel joy and pleasure, strengthen your will, and sometimes learn to get up again.

These are just some of the reasons the two think it's worth working on an innovative mobile app like SAGLY.

SAGLY technology not only helps you adjust and maintain the mountain bike but also to experience a passion, mountain biking.

SAGLY technology not only helps you adjust and maintain the mountain bike but also to experience a passion, mountain biking.

Who uses SAGLY and who is the app for?

More than 50.000 passionate mountain bikers are now using the app all over the world. Mountain bikers with hardtails but also full-suspension bikes use the app. And no matter if you are a beginner, advanced, or professional, the app offers added value for all skill levels. Beginners benefit in particular from the explanations of the sometimes complicated mountain bike suspension know-how and the guides for the initial suspension adjustment.

For beginners and advanced mountain bikers, the functions WHAT SHOULD I DO, WHEN... or the FEEDBACK LOOP or the HISTORY help to improve the suspension setup to meet their own needs and to constantly improve it.

The maintenance feature helps riders of all skill levels extend their bike life and save money.

Even professionals or semi-professionals benefit from the app and help with the implementation of the bracketing method on the suspension setup.

App details and prices

SAGLY is available in German and English and PRO features can be activated for an annual (€20) or monthly fee (€3.50). Two weeks test version and basic features such as offline capability, the storage of one bike setup, the EXPLORE SETUPS feature, or basic know-how as well as solutions to problems with your setup are available free of charge. SAGLY is available on Apple iOS and Android devices.

Web: Find our website for more info.

Author Info:
antonhoerl avatar

Member since Mar 17, 2021
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