Review Roundup: 4 Mountain Bike Rain Jackets Tested

Nov 8, 2022
by Samuel McMain  

The weather is a fickle beast, especially where the best mountain bike trails are found—in the mountains. Whether it’s torrential downpours in the fall, snowy wastelands in the winter or freak thunderstorms in the summer, eventually we all have to deal with riding in the wet or cold—or both at the same time.

Some riders experience a few inclement days a year, whereas others, like myself and everyone else in the riding mecca of the Pacific Northwest, must endure a lot of them. If you’re not riding in the rain up here, you’re not riding much. But I took it to a whole other level when testing this group of jackets. Let me tell you, it’s weird actually planning rides to coincide with the worst storms (providing the trails can hold up, of course).

There are many options out there for mountain-bike-specific jackets; which ones stack up in real-world use? Apparently, it’s the blue ones.

I put the four jackets you see here through the absolute wringer over not just a couple-week test period, but whole riding seasons—two of them have actually been in use for several. From the ultra-high-end 7mesh Revelation to the work-horse Dakine Dewit, if you’re looking to stay out no matter what the weather has in store, one (or more) of these will have you covered.

All of the jackets on this list are hard-shell storm jackets that are waterproof and breathable well above the minimum industry standards (with price tags to match). However, they aren’t all the same. Just like the vast diversity of trail-bike offerings, even though they all claim to “do it all,” each jacket actually occupies a niche of ideal real-world use. Spoilers, it’s not always what the tag line claims.

There are good reasons the 7mesh Revelation jacket is over $100 more than anything else on this list.

7mesh Revelation | $475

• On-bike-specific fit that also works off the bike
• Durable and reliable Gore-Tex Pro fabric
• Easy to care for

Picture the absolute worst weather conditions. Then picture yourself riding in those conditions. If you did the first two steps correctly, you should be picturing yourself warm and toasty inside the 7mesh Revelation, happily spinning along while the elements feebly batter against this jacket’s hatches.

Seriously though, there’s a reason this jacket is the only one on test I actually went out and purchased for myself. The price tag is nothing to scoff at, an amount roughly equivalent to a brand new steel hardtail frame, but the Squamish brand brings that special sauce to their outerwear that puts the Revelation head and shoulders above the rest.

The cut of the Revelation is the best of the bunch, splitting time between on-bike comfort and every-day usability. It’s a fine line to find with a material, like Gore-Tex, that doesn’t stretch.

While you can play spec-sheet comparison games all day long between the jackets here, there’s no denying that Gore-Tex Pro is one of the best fabrics commercially available for waterproof, breathable outerwear. In fact, on paper, only Endura’s ExoShell40 beats out Gore-Tex Pro in breathability rating. But here’s the thing, while Endura’s MT500 jacket might breathe better than the Revelation, that’s not the end-all, be-all reason to buy one jacket over another.

For starters, 7mesh designs their jackets better than any other company I’ve tried. That’s a bold statement, but it’s justified. This is the second iteration of the Revelation, the first was heavily weighted for on-bike comfort, meaning that the cut and fit really only worked when you were sitting in the saddle, stretched out on the bars. Off the bike, the jacket didn’t fit very well. This second version splits the difference, with slightly forward-rotated shoulders that don’t cause binding either on or off the bike, plenty of room for layering without getting overly roomy (like the Patagonia Dirt Roamer Storm Jacket), long sleeves that reach all the way to overlap with winter gloves, vents that can be opened and closed with one hand and a drop-tail long enough to keep the wet, brown stuff out of your waist band. That’s not an exhaustive list either—in a nutshell, the Revelation is a jacket that fits and works exceptionally well on the bike, but still works off the bike too.

As an interjectory side-note, the hood of the Revelation is the only removable hood of the jackets tested here, a feature I took advantage of often. It’s also an under-hood design, which actually works way better than over-helmet hoods as it doesn’t lift the jacket up at all, and works with any helmet shape (even a full-face). However, I felt the hood was slightly less protective in sideways rain storms than other designs, leaving more of your face exposed to the elements.

The under-helmet hood works so much better than an over-helmet design. Just don’t look in the mirror.

The other jackets in this list are not uncomfortable by any means, however, if you’re going to spend hours or days wearing a jacket in shitty conditions, getting one that fits right is more important than you think. Waterproof fabrics, even the “stretchy” ones, aren’t actually that stretchy, and binding in the shoulders or elbows, a tightness in the shoulders, too-short arms or other small imperfections in fit will start to compound after enough time. I’ve spent multi-day bikepacking trips in this jacket in downright terrible weather, and never once has the jacket felt restrictive or uncomfortable.

Three snaps hold the hood on securely, easily operated with one hand.
Forearm vents seem like a small touch, but make a world of difference as that area of the arm sees little ventilation otherwise.

So what’s the catch? The Revelation is in a slight confusion in what its intended purpose stacks up to in the real world. Gore-Tex Pro covers a wide range of applications—it’s the most durable fabric Gore-Tex offers, so you can beat it up without much worry, but it does sacrifice on packability and breathability. Gore-Tex Paclite, well, packs better and Gore-Tex Active is better for high-intensity work, like hot laps or KOM chasing. The Revelation can be your hot lap jacket or bikepacking elemental-protection, but it isn’t quite as good as a more focused fabric. In short, it’s like a jacket quiver-killer (there, I’ve said it) that totally works in the bike park or an XC race, but will get bested by purpose-built machines for those arenas. It’s a high-end compromise, kind of like modern day trail bikes.

That being said, I’ve used my personal Revelation for a few seasons, both for multi-day trips and evening hot (well, cold and rainy) laps, and I have few complaints. Could it breathe better? Probably. Could it pack down more? Maybe. But it always keeps me dry, like always, no matter what I throw at it and even with many spills and shoulder checks on trees (not to mention many hours of backpack straps rubbing down the DWR coating on the shoulders) the Revelation has never, ever let me down.

Plus, I can throw it in the washer and dryer like your average t-shirt, something that can destroy a jacket like the Endura MT500. The heat of a dryer reactivates the DWR, making the jacket just like new again. Plus, on really cold days you can start off with a toasty warm kit. If that sounds like bonus points to you too, check out the Revelation at

The most used and abused jacket on test, the Endura MT500 is an absolute monster of a rain jacket.

Endura MT500 Waterproof Jacket II | $330

• One of the most breathable waterproof fabrics out there
• Highly durable and tear resistant
• Front zipper can leak in heavy front wheel spray

When it comes to nasty weather, the Scottish brand, Endura, knows a thing or two about making garments to battle the elements. The MT500 Waterproof is nearly single-minded in its goal—keeping you dry. It also happens to be built like an absolute tank.

Now, there are two parts to staying dry. First, of course, a rain jacket needs to keep the rain and spray out. But just as important, the best rain jackets move heat and sweat out of the jacket to keep the inside from turning into a sauna.

The internal cinch cord sits just above the tail of the jacket, tightening things up at the actual waist. This results in a better overall fit than a cinch at the hem.

The MT500 uses Endura's ExoShell40 fabric which is claimed to almost double the breathability of Patagonia’s H2No fabric, as well as besting Gore Tex Pro and even the impressive eVent fabrics. Specifically, ExoShell40 is spec’d at 40,000g/m²/24hr—if you’re not familiar with waterproof fabrics, most sit between 5,000 and 15,000g/m2/24hr.

Of course, that sounds pretty incredible on paper, but how does it work in the real world? Do you stay totally dry in the MT500, no matter how much you’re sweating? Short answer, no. When push comes to shove, it doesn’t matter how breathable a material is—when you sweat without a shirt, your skin still gets wet, right? Where the breathability ratings of waterproof fabrics comes into play is in determining the ceiling before the ability of the jacket to dump moisture becomes overwhelmed by the sweating body inside. Even if you have the best wicking base layer, if your jacket can’t let things evaporate, you’ll just get wet.

On low-end jackets, that ceiling is pretty dang low. On a jacket like the MT500, I can push pretty dang hard before the sauna starts to form, especially if I have a good wicking base layer underneath. Eventually, I’ll still become saturated, but that point comes well after most other jackets have succumbed. It’s impossible to put real numbers on it as there are so many variables that factor in: temperature, humidity, fitness, airflow and base layer, to name a few. In a nutshell though, if you want the best chance of staying dry from the inside out, the MT500 is going to be the jacket for you.

The hood on the MT500 is decent, but gets a little restrictive over a helmet.

Getting to the water on the outside, a rain jacket’s other nemesis, the MT500 boasts a 20,000mm waterproof rating, again bringing it in line with the best in the business. A rating of 10,000mm-15,000mm is said to be fully waterproof in extreme weather, so nearly doubling that really keeps the elements at bay.

I used the MT500 as my daily driver not only for winter riding, but also for full-time construction work last year. If you’ve ever worked construction, you’ll know how fast that industry destroys clothing. Standing and working outside for ten hours a day, no matter what the weather, will really put a garment through its paces. The MT500, despite this treatment, kept me dry in torrential downpours that lasted entire work days, multiple days in a row, survived being blasted by grit while vactoring and carrying hundreds of yards of pipe on the shoulders. That’s not to mention a winter spent in the saddle to boot!

The ExoShell40 is very impressive. The small waterproof pocket on the left forearm, however, is something I could never find a good use for.

Impressive doesn’t even begin to cover the performance and durability of the MT500 ExoShell40 fabric. That’s really all I need to say about that.

However, while I love the fabric Endura uses in the MT500, I do have a few quips with the rest of the jacket. The fit is slightly too small for my frame, admittedly at 6’4” and 230lbs I’m a bit bigger than the average human, but an XL sized garment should be large enough for specimens of my size or even larger. While the arm-length of the MT500 is generous, even stretched on the bike, the shoulders and back were a bit tight, and the torso length could have been four inches longer to get a better overlap with the waistband. Again, part of this is me, but there are plenty of riders at least my size.

You want venting? The MT500 has venting. The front pockets double as extra, nearly full-length, vents.

The snug fit was a small quip, however, to an issue I discovered one very wet day on the bike. There’s a long local trail that, in the wettest months, turns your front wheel into a constant pressure washer of spray for about fifteen constant minutes. I found that the MT500, possibly the chunky front zipper, leaked during that constant watery attack, leaving me with a soggy stomach for the rest of the ride. It’s disappointing that such a fantastic fabric gets let down by a simple, non-waterproof zipper.

In addition, you can’t put the MT500 in the dryer, unlike the other jackets here; it needs to be air dried. I went against this recommendation for scientific purposes, which resulted in the delamination of the waterproof tape backing the seams. This was no fault of the jacket, but it’s still a bummer that you could potentially ruin your jacket if it gets tossed in the dryer by accident.

In light of the potentially leaky front zipper, I found that I used the MT500 more for longer, slower expeditions where I can avoid that high-pressure frontal spray and take advantage of the impressive breathability of the jacket. Bikepacking or shoulder-season epics would be a prime habitat for the MT500.

To learn more about the MT500, visit

A pullover rain jacket meant for mountain biking? Sign me up.

Patagonia Dirt Roamer Storm Jacket | $320

• Very generous fit goes over hip packs and promotes air circulation
• Highly waterproof, stretchy H2No fabric
• H2No fabric doesn’t breathe as well as others

This might be the jacket I’ve been waiting for all my life. For some reason or another, I love pullover rain jackets, so when the new Storm jacket showed up I was over the moon frothing to try it out. As anyone that followed the weather in the PNW this year knows, there were plenty of opportunities to put a rain jacket through its paces.

To recap, the Dirt Roamer Storm jacket is a pullover style shell from Patagonia that uses the brand’s own H2No fabric. That fabric is rated to around 20,000mm waterproofness and 15,000g/m2/24hr breathability. I say “around,” as fabrics have to pass Patagonia’s “Killer Wash” stress test that simulates real-world use. To pass that test, fabrics need to maintain 10,000mm and 12,000g/m2/24hr, even though they might start out their lives numerically higher. In the real world, dirt, sweat and simple wear-and-tear make a big impact on a garment’s performance, so getting a fabric rated in this way puts the on-paper performance closer to the real-world implementation.

The Dirt Roamer Storm has a very, very relaxed cut, which helps with ventilation but will be overly baggy on some riders.

On the trail, the Storm jacket breathes well enough to keep things from getting too steamy under moderate exertion, but if you’re really giving it the beans, you’ll cook yourself sooner than in a jacket like the Endura MT500. However, the Storm jacket fits much looser, especially in the torso, than the MT500, so there’s more opportunity for airflow, which can help keep things fresher inside. Especially if you’re wearing a hip pack (which can fit under the jacket, bonus!) rides under an hour feel about as pleasant in the Storm jacket as they do in the MT500. It’s when you get longer rides with multiple heating/cooling (read: climbing, descending) cycles that the Storm jacket starts to lose a bit of pace. I’ve noticed that pulling off the jacket after a longer usage session can get a bit…ripe.

The plus-side of the baggy cut is that the hood works great and is not restrictive, and you can wear a hip pack under the jacket (you can’t even tell here, but it’s there) without any issue.

That being said, I prefer using the Storm jacket over the MT500 most of the time. First, the Storm jacket is just as waterproof as the MT500 for the rides I typically go on (sub 5 hours), and there’s no zipper in the front to leak front tire spray through. The extremely generous fit, and I mean I’m swimming in the torso of the Storm jacket, is actually a huge boon when riding with a hip pack as it keeps everything dry from rain while also lifting the jacket off my back and hips for better airflow. It’s almost like a poncho. The loose fit also lets me use the hood over a helmet without any restriction, something that is rare to find on jackets.

Left: The H2No fabric is great a keeping water out, but could have better breathability. Right: A fanny pack fits fine. Those side vents do open, but only about an inch wide and will let water in if it’s raining.

As far as pockets and features go, the Storm jacket is a fairly bare bones, K.I.S.S-type of affair. And I love that. You can chuck it in the washer and dryer without worry, throw it on like a poncho over many layers of cold-weather riding gear, even a mid-weight puffy jacket, and it performs for the average rider’s demands almost as well as the highest-end jackets out there. The Storm jacket has become my “oh-my-it’s-really-raining-out-there” item that I can just grab and trust to keep me dry and comfortable. I just have to make sure to put on some deodorant afterwards.

The only pocket on the Dirt Roamer is on the back, but is big enough for a phone or some snacks.

The final aspect to the Storm jacket that I love is more about how Patagonia does business than about the Storm jacket specifically. First, the brand uses recycled nylon to make the H2No fabric as well as a fluorocarbon DWR coating, helping cut down on negative environmental impact and resource demands. Secondly, Patagonia’s Ironclad Guarantee is designed to repair damaged garments to keep them in use, not landfills. They’ll send you Tenacious tape for small tears, or you can send the jacket to them for larger boo-boos, which they’ll usually repair at no cost to you. If you find that you want to move on from the Storm jacket at some point, their Worn Wear program offers trade-in options and the opportunity for the jacket to see more trail time and stay out of the landfill for a few more seasons.

The Dakine Dewit is similar to the 7mesh Revelation in length, with long sleeves that give great overlap with winter gloves.

Dakine Dewit 20K 3L Jacket | $290

• Holds up to abuse well
• Front pockets double as vents
• Extra length seals out elements nicely

Halfway to futuristic super-soldier performance, the Dewit 20K jacket feels ready to do battle with the worst the weather has to throw at you. Dakine isn’t always the brand that comes to my mind when talking about high-end performance garments, but the Dewit jacket has impressed me on more than a few occasions, even testing alongside big names like 7mesh, Endura and Patagonia.

While Dakine doesn’t list performance numbers for the Dewit’s fabric, the name and on-trail performance both suggest that the waterproof rating might be in the 10,000-15,000mm benchmark arena. On hours long rides in the absolute pouring rain, getting slapped by thick salal and laden branches, the Dewit never soaked through, even though the DWR coated eventually wetted out on the forearms and shoulders from the floral abuses. A quick trip through the laundry reinvigorated that DWR, and the Dewit’s fabric has proven to be as waterproof as any of the other jackets on test here.

The back of the Dewit could be a bit longer when bent over the bike, but is still long enough to keep crud out of the back door.

I was initially a bit skeptical of the jacket’s two diagonal vents along each shoulder blade, but even in the pouring rain I never felt water intrusion from these areas. Back venting, at least from my experiences, usually results in water intrusion that’s pulled along stitching by capillary action or the like—thus far that’s not been the case on the Dewit. I’ll caveat that I haven’t worn the Dewit in any high-wind environments, like ridge lines with updrafts, where moisture can attack from more than one direction.

The Dewit is cut perfectly for light layering in mild to chilly weather, rides where you could get away with just a wool jersey and shell for wind protection. The jacket actually reminded me a lot of my personal 7mesh Revelation jacket, which I consider to be the benchmark for the perfect on-bike fit, at least for my body.

Simple elastic cuffs are effective and give a good weather seal.

Of course, breathability is as much of importance as waterproofness; again, there aren’t any numbers to go by, but the Dewit feels to be close to H2No fabric; somewhere around the 10,000g/m2/24hr mark. When it comes down to it, the other jackets here, especially the Endura MT500, outperformed the Dewit in breathability, but that’s not to say the Dewit is especially lacking in that department. The jacket actually dumps heat very well, better than some breathable windbreakers I own that aren’t even waterproof—except in the forearms. It’s strange, but I noted that I finished a few rides in the Dewit with completely sweat-saturated sleeves just above the wrist, but nowhere else. The Dewit has generous sleeve lengths that do a great job at keeping wrists warm and dry, but I wonder if that extra coverage is preventing some air flow that happens on other jackets with “worse” wrist interfaces.

Small vents over either shoulder help move hot air out, but might get covered by backpack straps.
The hood looks a bit silly on the Dewit, but gives great protection in high winds.

In light of this phenomenon, I’ve mentally put the Dewit in the category of “for slow and shitty weather rides” where the emphasis is more on weather sealing than on breathability and venting. The very high collar and tighter hood also push the Dewit into that camp—with the hood on and the jacket zipped, the collar sits just below my nose. It’s quite wonderful for extra cold and wet days, but with heavy exertion I’d rather have some more space to, well, breathe.

The Dewit 20K jacket might not be your first thought when thinking about high-end waterproof riding jackets, but it certainly deserves to be on the list. It’s fully waterproof, fits great and performs very well on the bike. It’d be an ideal jacket for riders that shuttle or ride lifts as much as they pedal, as those gravity-oriented rides tend to be heavier on elemental protection than they are on dumping body heat.

Look over Dewit 20K in more detail at

In the Real World

The 7mesh Revelation is my go-to jacket for when I need to stay dry all day long or just don’t know when a multi-day trip might have in store. The versatile Gore-Tex Pro fabric can take a beating and come back for more, all while keeping you dry in all conditions. It takes a hit in breathability, but that’s small potatoes compared to how well the Revelation is designed and cut to work with or without layering, on or off the bike. If I only owned one jacket, this would be the one.

If the Revelation is durable, the Endura MT500 is downright nuke-proof. As long as you don’t put it in the dryer, not much can cause this jacket any grief. It’s also the most breathable jacket on test, and just as waterproof as the Revelation, apart from the front zipper that sometimes leaks in heavy front-wheel spray. If you’re very hard on outerwear and/or want a jacket that is durable and highly breathable, the MT500 is a top pick.

I doubt I’m the only one, but a pull-over performance rain jacket like the Patagonia Dirt Roamer Storm just has that sex appeal that’s hard to pass up. From the minimal construction and clean looks to the above average technical performance, the Dirt Roamer will keep you dry and looking good all day long. There’s no zipper to clog with mud or leak, and the fit is generous to completely cover a fanny pack, keeping your gear dry too. However, it’s not the most breathable, so be sure to keep some deodorant handy post-ride.

A dark horse in the high-end outerwear world, the Dakine Dewit 20K 3L impresses with its exceptional coverage, high-performance fabric and easy-going fit. The Dewit is more than capable of keeping you dry in driving rain, and its longer sleeves and higher collar will help keep the sideways rain out. As with the Dirt Roamer though, it’s not quite as breathable as the MT500 or Revelation, so the Dewit is best suited for wind-cooled, gravity-fueled laps or less-intense efforts.

Photos: Samuel McMain

Author Info:
samskuatch avatar

Member since Aug 6, 2009
13 articles

  • 135 17
 How many rain jacket articles have come out in recent months?

Test some stuff that matters! Test more tires, find a tire that is as good as a DHR II for half the price and tell us about it!

Test more sets of brakes with direct comparisons! Test different affrodable brake pads and rotors from brands other than the 'S'es.

Test some affordable suspension! Walk us through Suntour's upgrade program to help get folks off of their pogo stick OEM forks?

Publish more useful consumer information...

Testing $500 jackets is a disservice.
  • 50 21
 "How many rain jacket articles have come out in recent months?"

They're not going to publish rain wear in June, mate.
  • 7 0
 @bonkmasterflex: I think this is another Beta article recycled...I think all the Sam ones are.
  • 15 1
 Yes. I would love to see a brake shoot out. Considering there’s so much variability and personal preference with brakes.
Code RSC vs TRP evo vs hope v4 vs shimano XT vs (formula, maybe toss trickstuff in there for the bling factor?).
  • 38 7
 Hard disagree.

If you ride in the wet weather, gear makes a big difference. And most of us don't have the budget to try out several $200+ jackets.

If you're gonna pony up the cash, it's awfully nice to have an idea of what you're getting, before you spend the money.

I get it. Maybe you don't ride in the rainy months. Or you live in the desert or a warmer climate or whatever. But having the cold-weather rain gear gives me another 2-3 months of riding every year. And having the right gear for those months makes those rainy cold rides way more fun, and less suffer'ey.
  • 15 2
 @bonkmasterflex: you can ignore the stuff that isnt relevant to you, idk if you didnt know that perhaps
  • 17 0
 @atourgates: I've given up on the pipedream of breathable rain gear for biking. IMHO it's a myth. If it's raining your sweat isn't going to exit the fabric when the outside is already wetted. I've started wearing enough wool and a wind layer to stay warm enough while I'm soaked and I'm much happier for it.
  • 11 0
 'test some stuff that matters' as a brit, and a northerner at that, you're wrong for a lot of people, a good waterproof coat matters more round here than pretty much anything else if you want to ride for more than 6 weeks a year.
  • 4 0
 @st-lupo: This is the way. Goretex is only good if you're shuttling or ebiking and don't plan on sweating. Any ride including some heavy pedaling while wearing goretex and you're just as wet outside as you are on the inside. I want to see more quality wool layers with bike specific fit. A good vest goes a long way. Shit maybe even short sleeve goretex?
  • 1 0
 @st-lupo: This has essentially been my conclusion. I still use a membrane jacket for super heavy rain but most times a DWR windbreaker, DWR pants and wool base layer is the best.
  • 1 0
 Good point. Totally agree.
  • 1 0
 What new brakes, tires and suspension are out that haven't been tested yet?
  • 4 0
 @brycepiwek: I think the results of the brake comparison would be: they're all good. So pick one and be a dick about it!

Except for TRP. They are the best, obviously
  • 1 0
 @brycepiwek: Brakes that have hoods that go over your helmet and keep the rain out and keep you dry. No man, we need more jackets. I live in northern California and it rained today so I need a $400 jacket, what if it rains again?
  • 1 0
 @Torbo24: This is so true. I read everything on PB though or else the comments don't make as much sense Smile
  • 2 1
 Specialized Butcher T9 is about as close to a DHR II as I’ve found. Generally about $25 cheaper, tends to wear a little faster, but really, really good
  • 1 0
 @adamszymkowicz: if it's only marginally cheaper and wears quicker then what's the point?
  • 1 0
 @adamszymkowicz: Worst tire i have ever used!
  • 1 0
 @brookscurran: a $25 difference is 25% (give or take) compared to a DHR II. That's significant. And I'd say the wear is pretty negligible. I ride a lot of rocky tech, and generally a set of Maxxis will last about 60 riding days. I'd say the Specialized hits its end at about 50, so regardless of company, I'm doing two sets of tires per season. I'd rather spend $300 for two sets of tires than $400.
  • 1 0
 I can agree but they are owned by outside, therefore they don't give a shit about us.
  • 1 1
 You can go get your news and information somewhere else, if you're dissatisfied with the content here.
  • 1 0
 @SpecSRAM: i normally do, now I cruise PB to see how bad it has gotten. good day.
  • 1 0
 @st-lupo: Yep. A quick check of the weather network, enough layers to keep the rain off for the arduous saturated climbing, (where you will be hot AF regardless of gear), then a random $39-$49 packable shell thingy to get some remaining heat trapped for the ride down. The bonus is to get a black one so the gorilla tape patches aren't so obvious.
  • 1 0
 I hear ya, stay tuned.
  • 1 0
 @samskuatch: Kudos to PB for some of the more recent content on brakes, trail tools etc. I'd like to see more formal tests and multiple products compared vs. more opinion based articles, but its progress.
  • 72 32
 I'd rather be wet with 300-500$ in my pocket.
I cant believe how much people pay to be soft.
  • 41 5
 Eh, money is relative. 300-500 to you might be the equivalent of $25-35 for somebody else. When I was younger scraping change from the couch cushions to pay for gas to drive up to the mountains to ride my bike, I would have agreed with you.

Now that I have a job that gives me plenty of discretionary funds, $500 is more of a shoulder shrug.

That said, I'm using a $120 non-bike specific rain jacket that isn't giving me many reasons to spend another $355 to replace it.

Maybe I'm just not keeping up with inflation, but $475 still feels pretty steep for a rain jacket.
  • 10 0
 Unless you're just standing around, you're gonna get wet no matter what - from your sweat or from the rain. I find myself most comfortable when I have wool/poly insulating layers on and a windbreaker over (Patagonia Houdini, $99, packs into baseball size). You get wet but you stay warm, with less of a swampy feeling though. Also a lot cheaper way to do things.
  • 4 0
 I think it would be cheaper to just move to Tucson every winter….
  • 3 0
 @William42: What $120 non-bike specific rain jacket are you using? Genuinely asking. I'm looking for one.
  • 4 0
 @caniscream: Don't know what he's using - I've been pretty happy with a 2.5layer Marmot Precip. Those used to be around $100 retail, always on sale somewhere in last year's colors for 15-20% off. The 2.5 layer fabric is pretty breathable, but not quite as waterproof as a 3l fabric, and generally a bit prone to tears (so mine sports a few tenacious tape patches). Marmot has them in Tall sizes (so you can get sufficient coverage down your back and without the sleeves riding up too much), plus they're designed for climbers so they've got a bit of material under the arms that allows them not to get all bunch when you put your arms out front (the call that feature "angel wings" - but if you ignore the stupid name, it works quite well). For cheap and useful, it's hard to beat.

If I were riding in pouring rain a bit more, I might upgrade to a Patagonia torrent shell - they use a beefier 3L fabric for that now.

But frankly, I'm mostly riding in a Marmot sort-of-soft-shell. Similar story on the cut (very bike friendly, as it's also designed for climbers). It's enough to keep me comfy in a light rain for short-ish rides, regulates temperature really well, and has lasted for something like 5 years of 3-season use. Hard to beat that.
  • 4 0
 @rickybobby18: This is the way. Let's get more performance wool products with bike specific fit and various density. Need some deep winter wool layers and some shoulder season wool layers. Shit even wool tees for the summer!
  • 3 0
 @caniscream: Any Columbia jacket, their waterproof, fairly fitted, and comfy. I've had no problems
  • 2 3
 I agree we have homes and cars with heaters. Ride, get wet. Go home, get dry, be warm and so on. It's really a first world problem.
  • 1 0
 @DanielVickbd5: I've found Columbia's Outdry series is a win for biking. Yeah, the waterproof layer being on the outside may look like a tarp, but it works! Post ride, even days later, you just knock the dirt off and head out.
  • 2 0
 I got an Endura MT500 jacket for 160 euros two weeks ago, not during winter or summer time, exactly when I needed. Being honest for a jacket this capable I find it decently priced. Nowdays whoever pays retail on ANYTHINGS has deep pockets .
  • 1 0
 As someone that logs almost 200 days a year, $500 to stay dry for a quarter of those rides is worth it to me. Not for everyone though, you really have to enjoy riding in those conditions and/or have to make the choice to ride in them or not ride at all.
  • 35 0
 Looking forward to the comments to see what people with normal bank accounts wear.
  • 3 0
 Me: good base layer, warm yet breathable mid with zipper, and an old eVent jacket off ebay for $35.
  • 1 1
 For 95% of the year a very thin (but supposedly breathable) thing I can wodge down small enough to fit in the side pocket of a bum-bag. Cost about £30 (on sale from £60) so I wasn't too annoyed when I put a big gash in the sleeve on the second time out in it. I put it on only if it's raining or I start getting too cold for my day's choice of tops.
For the remaining 5% I've got an Altura thing that started falling apart on day one.
  • 2 0
 It's still expensive, but the gore wear pac lite and a merino base layer is crazy good. 30-45* temps for 5 hours of riding steep trails and steep climbs and I wasn't sweaty, nor wet, nor cold. I re-treat with spray on nic wax every year.
  • 2 0
 PVC work jacket. I'm still wet, but my sweat isn't cold like winter rain is.
  • 3 0
 Fifteen year old Mountain Hardware ski shell. Merino base layers.
  • 2 0
 Couple year old patagonia jacket, bought it second hand for 100$ and when I crash and rip it they repair it for free. Its not incredibly waterproof, but entirely sufficient for light rain and puddle splashes. The trails cant handle anything wetter than that where I rid eanyways.
  • 1 0
 @G-Sport: And you're not going to tell us what the first thing is??? I'm looking for something just like that.
  • 3 0
 A Mac-In-A-Sac over jacket that cost me £20 about 6 years ago.
It's not breathable at all so its suuuuper wind-proof.
Wear usual jersey underneath, sometimes with a regular cotton t-shirt when it's super cold. Open jacket zip when too hot.
Jobs a good'n.
  • 1 0
 A near 10 year old Marmot rain jacket with pit zips over thin bike jerseys or wool base layer and bike jersey(s) that will wad up and I can't kill it.

Bought a Leatt All Mtn 4.0 jacket a while back, but it's so over-engineered, thick and heavy (and not even 100% waterproof) that I only ride DH Park laps or in below freezing in it. Can pack it or stuff it in my Camelbak Mule or Osprey Savu without precision.

Why fall down with $400-500 of engineered plastic on?

Did people forget that websites like CampMor still exist and there's a "Price: Low-High" sort feature that idiots would pay $475???
  • 4 0
 Single-layer water-resistant DWR-treated nylon for anything under a couple of hours.

My favorite is Patagonia's (non-H2No) dirt roamer jacket that I got on for around $100 on closeout at the end of the season. It's super-breathable, waterproof-enough for shorter rides in anything short of a deluge, and (I know this sounds kind of stupid) but the hood is really-well designed for biking. Aka, it fits well around your helmet, is easy to put up and down and balances keeping you warm and protected without feeling like a toddler is trying to strangle you.

Mine is about 4 years old now, and so long as in Nikwax is a couple times a season, keeps its water-repellancy really well. And based on the other stuff I've had Patagonia repair for free, I know it'll easily last me a long time.
  • 1 0
 @plustiresaintdead: Sorry, its a Madison thing, Flux super light or something, probably discontinued now.
  • 1 1
 Just embrace being wet it's only a temporary issue.
  • 1 0
 I was reminded to check on discount prices for the Specialized jacket...and I find this?
What is happening?
  • 1 0
 I got that Dakine jacket on sale at 50% off a couple of years ago because my cheap rain jacket felt like a sweat bag, my buddy did the same with the Endura... Damn rights it made a huge difference, and I've taken it thru extreme downpours and it actually breathes.
  • 2 0
 @blowmyfuse: Fishing/Golf crossover disaster?
  • 1 0
 Royal Matrix.
  • 1 0
 FYI the 7mesh Revelation here is my personal jacket. I make zero dollars currently student teaching, bought that jacket while in school making $15 hr. Totally worth it, but riding regardless of weather is my jam, so what's worth it to me might not be for others.
  • 2 1
 @samskuatch: sounds like you've got lots of financial help that isn't accounted for. $475 jacket at $15hr is 30 hours of work. Either you love in a box at the bus stop between classes or someone else is paying your bills and you're just burning your mad money
  • 1 0
 @blowmyfuse: you underestimate my ability to subsist off of Annie's Mac n cheese and chocolate milk. But in seriousness, yeah, pretty much all of my disposable income is spent on bikes. Priorities I guess.
  • 29 1
 Decathalon, £80 mtb jacket. Quality is outstanding. Near £500 for a jacket is ridiculous lmao
  • 17 2
 80 quid for a portable sauna? Seems legit.
  • 10 0
 Wow, some overpriced bike specific rain coats that don’t fit. Sure would be neat if one maybe two companies made a large tall. . .

Don’t get me started on nonexistent pants.
  • 7 1
 Tell me about it. They need to realize not all MTBers are all 5'3. I went to the shop and tried on 4 different brands of coats and none fit.

As for pants RIDENF make tall pants now and they fit my 36" inseem perfect check them out.
  • 2 0
 @InitialDean: Yeah NF makes Tall/Long sizes. Their pants f*ckin' rule.
  • 1 0
 @InitialDean: dude, that is awesome. Going to order a pair.
  • 1 0
 @InitialDean: +1 on the NF's. The best pants I've had, even ignoring the tall sizes. Now, that they have tall sizes, I'm sticking with NF forever (or until they start making bad products, whichever comes first)
  • 1 0
 I'm 6'4" and the 7mesh is the best fit by far. Patagonia is a close second. Same goes for both their pants. Thunderpant is actually long enough for my 36" inseam when uncut in XL
  • 1 0
 @samskuatch: I suggest you actually try the NF pants in the Long fit, plus they actually are made in Vancouver. Not "designed and tested" in Squamish like 7Mesh can only claim.
  • 1 0
 @Nellus: I have a set of dp3 pants as well. Haven't tried the winter ones yet but it's on the list.
  • 7 0
 Bit of a miss not including the more reasonably priced option from 7mesh.
I have the Co-pilot and its much more sensible without all the frilly features normal folks dont want/need.
Strongly recommend and fantastic fit.
It survived its first outing in torrential rain doing laps at BPW and i was bone dry. Very good.
  • 1 0
 The Co-Pilot (black only) is on sale for $224 at Moosejaw with the code HOORAY. Buy thru ActiveJunky and get an additional 12% kickback making cost about $195.
  • 2 0
 Have had all three of their styles, and actually like the Co-pilot the best
  • 7 0
 "the Patagonia Dirt Roamer Storm just has that sex appeal that’s hard to pass up"
If your older brother's hand-me-down pac-a-mac is what turns you on, yeah.
At least you'll grow into it.
  • 6 0
 Got a 7mesh revelation in 2019, was on sale, but still has been my go to rain jacket for mountain biking, I stay dry, comfortable, can be hosed off of mud, really is incredible and a massive upgrade from the "rain jacket" from MEC for 80 bucks.
  • 5 0
 Its like they make these jackets as a test to see how stupid people are.....

How much do you think people would spend on a super thin rain jacket that will go out of style, get torn in a crash, the zipper breaks or it no longer fits?

Hmmm...maybe $300 or more? Works for me, lets see what happens....
  • 3 0
 I've crashed a lot in my 'thin' 7mesh jacket. On to rocks, roots and dirt. No damage at all, fits well, keeps my dry and comfortable and looks half decent off the bike too. If it's anything like the other high end gear I see around the ski industry it'll last for a decade. Money well spent if you ask me.
  • 1 0
 Yeah, having bought an 80d Goretex Pro piece at an REI garage sale 6 years ago (I mention the garage sale because I paid like 25% of retail cost for it), I can say that this stuff is pretty durable. I've crashed on gravel, landing/sliding on my side. I thought the jacket would be shredded. Nope, it's fine.

I've tree skiied and scraped against branches countless times. One time, I got absolutely taken down by the broken end of a branch that I shoulder checked. No tear.

Another time, I faceplanted onto pavement while doing what I'll call "urban skiing". I slid on the pavement on my chest. The jacket got scuffs from where I had my phone in the chest pocket. You can still see the outline of my phone was, but there are no tears.

The zipper finally died this year, after 6 years of use. I'm going to see about getting it repaired. If I can't get it repaired, I'll use it as an anorak for resort skiing.
  • 4 0
 And yet none of them have a 2 way zipper, so much easier to vent / cool down by opening the jacket from the bottom, the trail cape, than the top which then just blows your jacket up and slows you down, I've had two 7mesh jackets, tough they are not.
  • 1 0
 I will buy no cycling jacket without a 2 way zipper.
  • 8 5
 People will mock the price, blah blah blah, but 7Mesh stuff is amazing. Premium product no doubt about it that 'earns' the premium pricing. Everything I've bought from them has held up very well, looks good and super functional.
  • 4 0
 I've never been able to sort out their sizing, seems all over the map. What say you?
  • 1 0
 @hughbm: Its definitely sized for 'the climber body' if you know what I mean. Kinda like Patagonia...size up has been my general approach.
  • 3 0
 @hughbm: I am 6'4 with a 'normal' body and longer legs and arms and pretty thin. I wear an L co-pilot jacket and the sleeve length is perfect. If was bigger (stockier/fatter) id want an XL for the chest room.

I also wear L Glidepath pants and they are actually not that bad, perhaps an inch too short if i wanted perfect fit, but they are good for 95% of riding positions and the longest pants i could find...
  • 5 1
 Agreed. The people complaining on here just dont know.
  • 2 0
 I got a fishing rainjacket at a sportsman's warehouse for $30. Works great and folds up nicely into my pack.

Don't really see the value or even utility in the 'bike specific versions' when the technology is already there for 1/10th the price
  • 1 0
 My MT500 has been very disappointing. When new, it was great. Over time the DWR gave out, the front zip leaks badly and after washing a couple of times, following the instructions, the seam tape is peeling off. Not worth the money and I bought it wholesale.
  • 1 0
 Does any of these fabrics (gore, exoshell, ...) still work after more then 3 years? Personally I use mine a lot so I don't mind spending a bit of money on them but I would expect if you spend 200+ euro on a jacket that it lasts a while. My Endura MT500 hardly lasted 3 years and that was while using their DWR renewing shampoo... If I dare wearing it now i'm soaked even if there is just a drizzle...
My current jacket is one from Decathlon.... 80-90 euro and I would say it's at least as good as the MT500 but it feels a lot tougher. The cut is also way better suited for biking... the MT500 is pretty much just a bag you throw over yourself.
Breath-ability of the Decathlon jacket is on par with what i had with the MT500... i guess the patent on these technical waterproof but breathable fabric expired or something?
  • 1 0
 That 7mesh is on its fourth season I think and I have another on its 5th. Still going strong with good care routine.
  • 3 1
 If you've got the money and the moisture consider

The 10% coupon makes it a very good budget option....
  • 2 0
 Thanks for posting a small discount on an exhorbitantly expensive rain jacket.
  • 1 0
 @Samuel McMain....not sure your handle? What is your height and weight....didnt see it. Am curious about your sizing with these different products as you know some of the brands have different comparable sizing between them. Were you in a M for 7mesh and L in Patagonia?
  • 1 0
 He mentions he is 6 4 and XL across the board as far as I could see. He also mentions that the endura had the smallest fit xl, which I agree with. I bought a 2xl endura and it doesn't really fit my arms, quite slim.
  • 1 0
 @iridedj: Endura is Euro sizing which is typically one size smaller than NA sizing. I'm an XL in most clothing but if I am in Europe I always size up to a 2XL or 3XL.
  • 1 0
 6'4" and about 230lbs. Solid XL everywhere. Patagonia and 7mesh are generous in the XL, 7mesh are more trim in the jacket fit but great on length.
  • 2 0
 I expected to laugh about the usual idiotic prices but ended up weirdly surprised by the fact that the MT500 Jacket II is basically a top pick and can be found in EU in stock starting from 135€.
  • 1 0
 that's a bargain. Even at 160 I found it decently priced in most EU shops
  • 1 0
 Got the Endura MT500 around three years ago when prices for a piece of plastic were not a joke. Over last summer, the glued seal strips on the inside all came off. Just noticed now, when I took it out for the first wet fall ride. Will try to warrant it. Just be weary of the quality.
  • 2 0
 I had the same experience with the mt500 shorts. And they never kept me dry up high. I get being wet up to mid quad, but i got wet through and through. Then all the taped seems came undone the next year.
  • 3 0
 My MT500 has the worst zip ever it always catches and some of the teeth tore off. The collar is too high and looks stupid unzipped. Fully regret buying it.
  • 2 1
 You mustn’t forget the Endura size lottery where you order a Large jacket to go over your Large Endura jersey and find it might be 2 sizes too big OR 2 sizes too small. But then you order their matching shorts and they’re sized the opposite way and are also totally different to their matching trousers you tried as well.

Their stuff over the last few years seems to be a lot less robust than it used to be as well.
  • 1 0
 I liked the sustainability aspect they had, but they won't repair zips as it compromises the waterproof. So the whole jacket was landfill.

Thought it was a great jacket up until then but the premium for repair (thinking crash damage insurance) meant it felt poor value.
  • 1 0
 I think in summary- people have different needs/wants, budgets and riding environments. Grateful to see options. This is a frivolous sport- I mean, for most of us, we are buying silly machines to ride over rough terrain for no reason other than fun. It is all play. No reason to call people stupid for spending on anything in this ludicrous pastime that brings me so much joy.
  • 1 0
 These days, if its raining enough to warrant a jacket, i just stay home. If its a lighter rain, then i just go in my tech flannel with a base layer underneath. Breathes well and i stay warm even if i get a bit wet. I also started keeping a change of clothes in the car so i can change and not be super cold on the ride home.
  • 1 0
 It amazes me how nobody in the bike community seems to use Mountain Hardwear jackets. They're made for climbing, meaning they have long arms which is exactly what bikers need Take a look at their Stretch Ozonic jacket or if you NEED to have Goretex, get the Exposure 2. I've had both, used both on rides, both are completely waterproof an far less expensive than bike-specific brands
  • 2 1
 Vaude Lierne..... Paid £35 for it 3 years ago.....Still waterproof ...dries really quick with massive pit zips... Good size hood.......Bish Bash Bosh..... Loadsamoney still I'm my pocket.
  • 2 0
 are people really paying $500 for a rain jacket?
imagine going out on a wet ride and taking a digger and a branch rips a whole in your new jacket oooof.
  • 2 0
 I would assume any company charging that much for a jacket offers free reapirs. Patagonia certainly does.
  • 2 0
 "The small waterproof pocket on the left forearm, however, is something I could never find a good use for."

How about a lift ticket (bike parks)?
  • 1 0
 Eventually all of the DWR coatings on these jackets will all need to be re applied. Does anyone have any good experience with DWR coatings that are not fluorocarbon/PFC based?
  • 1 0
 Endura Apparel Re-proofer has pretty positive feedback from the reviews I read on it before I ordered. Says on bottle that it is water based, "advanced fluorocarbon-free formula".
I haven't tried it yet, but feedback was good in multiple reviews I read. Least favourable review said it didn't restore jacket to quite as waterproof as when jacket had been new, but said it wasn't far off. Other reviews said it had made garment as good as day they purchased.
  • 1 0
 My 60€ Uniqlo rain jacket i have been using for 2 years, light rain still repells like when it was new, heavy rain soaks in a bit, but it has a fully shut layer on the inside so you still stay dry.
Air breathability and water proofness are always a tradeoff. if you want to stay fully dry get something that is completly sealed.
  • 1 0
 Used my Endura as a ski jacket and it was perfect with a couple layers underneath. Even has a ticket pocket by an the wrist! So to me it seems like good value if it lasts a while.
  • 1 0
 I wish the reviewer hadn't put the MT500 in the dryer. Lots of claims the seam tape peels even if you don't. Seems like they are durable otherwise, would be nice if Endura fixed this and made them dryer safe.
  • 3 0
 Sex appeal is what sells - and a lifetime warranty to come with it! Wink
  • 3 1
 Just got an NF mid weight jacket and loving it so far.
  • 2 0
 it seems like these jackets came from good will, or thrift store, and very wrinkly too...something crappy about all of them
  • 1 0
 Must have gotten lucky with that MT500, I've put holes in two of them just from accidental snags on things. I'm paranoid it'll tear if I actually come off.
  • 1 0
 What world do we live in when the “go to” rain jacket is $475??
I know we are in an inflationary environment but this is bonkers.
  • 1 0
 I came to look at the lottery winning price tags of jackets that make you wetter through sweating than the rain itself. I wasn't disappointed.
  • 2 0
 Canadians just wear denim though right?
  • 7 0
 When they're wearing it during activities like biking and skiing it's referred to as 'technical denim'
  • 4 0
 mostly flannel
  • 4 2
 *insert angry comment about the price of jackets*
  • 1 0
 Everyone I know how has Patagonia rain gear for mtb riding has had a bad experience with durability
  • 1 0
 I got their bike rain pant this summer, well, I had them for a year but being a so-cal resident I never used them. I took them on a summer trip to Oregon/Whistler. Was in whistler for 2 weeks, and it rained almost every day, I remember 3 of the days being super wet, pissing entire day. I used those pants for all the rain days and was pretty impressed with them. Stayed dry, they cleaned up well from mud being mashed on saddle and chair lift seat, the zippered legs made it easy to take off knee guards for some GLC lunch...and they fit me well. So-not sure 2 weeks of riding was a great durability test, but, I was happy with them.
  • 1 0
 @stiksandstones: Two weeks of riding is not a good test at all. Living in the PNW we ride in the wet/mud 6 out of 10 rides. The people I know who had their pants tore them up beyond repair in about 3-4 months. That is just terrible quality in my opinion, especially considering the price of their pants. If you are an occasional user then maybe they're great, but if you need something that will last in tough conditions look elsewhere.
  • 1 0
 @Jer3myF: hence the reason I eluded to the fact that my time in them might not be the best barometer, but for what I did, they were great. Doesn't patagonia have a good repair program? or warranty? i'd think they'd be helpful on that especially with the experiences you've seen. Different strokes right?
So, for your PNW life and friends life, whats the go to rain pant then?
  • 1 0
 @stiksandstones: The patagonia repair program is pretty good but there is only so much that you can do with pants totally tore up on the knees, calf, ass and so on. As for warranty I am not sure but I imagine that they would be covered since the pants failed so quickly.

What we've all realized riding in the pnw mud this time of year is that there is no perfect solution. Either you get super sweaty which makes you wet and eventually cold, or the breathable membrane of the pants wets out and you get wet and cold. With that said I recommend the fox water pants. I do not like fox clothing typically, but their water proof pants are the best cost vs performance we've tried. Those pants and their attack water gloves are the only fox items I own any more.
  • 1 0
 @Jer3myF: Fair enough and good intel here. I've always found PNW and UK are the best source for inclement weather riding apparel, components, etc because as they say "if you choose to not ride when it's wet here, you will never ride" haha. Cheers and Thanks!
  • 1 0
 Does anyone have a recommendation for an ultra packable rain jacket? Doesn't need to be bike specific.
  • 1 0
 Outdoor Research Helium 2, wait for 50% sale. Otherwise not worth msrp.
  • 1 0
 Any of the shake dry jackets, I have 2 brands models of them-they were hella expensive, but they are waterproof and super packable...I don't have any dentists jokes to go along with this post tho.
  • 1 0
 The non-storm Patagonia dirt roamer jacket has been great for me. Packs up to about the size of a softball, and has a good balance of warmth and breathability. It won’t keep you dry in a total downpour but for light-medium rain it’s worked well. I got it on sale for like $160 I think?
  • 1 1
 the exo shell 40 isn't as good as the older exo shell 60. The design of the newer jacket is better ( I have both) but it isn't as waterproof.
  • 2 0
 A couple years ago I felt silly spending $190 on rain coat. What a bargain
  • 2 2
 Human skin is waterproof. You are cycling you'll be fine until you reach the car. You will change into dry clothes drive home and enter a climate-controlled utopia.
  • 1 0
 Dear 7Mesh. Please use something other than a bit of string to open/close zippers.
  • 1 0
 16$ rain jacket, value village, 14$ for burton waterproof pants (new) HA! Eat a bowl of dics Gucci jackets
  • 1 0
 Endura every time. Yes the sizing is smaller than expected
  • 1 0
 Last Springs rain jacket review or is this for next Spring?
  • 1 0
 My scotchguard flannel FTW!
  • 1 0
 @samskuatch: I thought the patagonia H2No was fluorocarbon free
  • 1 0
 Someone didn't get the memo that bike sales going down
  • 1 0
 You can get the same shit at decathlon for 1/4 of the price
  • 1 0
 no royal?
  • 1 0
 I got one , super durable and cheap. Not waterproof tho..
  • 1 0
 Picked one up 2 years ago for $50. The zipper is garbage but for the price still a good value.
  • 1 0
 Used gear store better

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